A DOG, that’s it. Why should I be concerning myself with it? Why should I even give it one minute of my day? Who knows the answers, maybe God, but I don’t know. Not that I wish to know, yet imagine sitting in my room at my leisure in its entire splendor, I am worrying myself over a DOG. The dog lovers may desist from entering into an angry tirade with me before hearing out my case. You simply must read on.
Well, here I am, living as a paying guest in one part of India where nature and man have striven, and still do, to live in harmony with each other. For a metropolis, it has quite heavy vegetation for most of its roads remain in the shade of huge trees for a good length of the day. The housing space is crammed up with hardly a meter space between the house wall and the boundary wall leaving no space for a garden, yet the roads are wide. When I was introduced to the ‘gullies’ of the city, I was left wondering that the speaker of such a word has never been to Kolkatta, Mumbai, Cuttack, Raipur or any place in this country to know that the gullies are supposed to have the breadth of a hair to be called so.

So, here’s the thing. This Labrador that the landowners here possess, Balto (I think that is name, though I have heard it being called Malto by the other residents here.), is a huge dog. Had its face been a shade of black and a bit sagging, it could have passed for the most formidable bull dog ever. But nevertheless it is a huge Labrador, and barks deafeningly when anybody approaches the house except the residents. Barking seems hardly harmful, but it actually growls and bares its teeth. For one moment that first time its eyes alighted on me, I was left wondering if I’ll survive to take the rabies injection at all. The landlady maneuvered Balto to sweets, yes sweets that were kept handy for just the occasion, for my sister already a resident here for sometime is still afraid of the dog.
And hence after the first encounter I was prepared to let it smell me over so that it would recognize me for future encounters which might happen when the landowners are away from home, though it meant standing in near vicinity of a large dog smelling my scent from all over me. I even proceeded to pat it on its head after that to become familiar. Those few minutes of scrutinized smelling over, I felt confident to move to and fro from my room upstairs to streets two storey below via the corridor guarded by Balto.
Confident I was, but was not prepared for what happened next. The next time I was supposed to get past it, it didn’t even give me the courtesy of glancing my way to recognize me. It happened four times in one and a half days. I was marveling at its smelling abilities, when I noticed it giving some sign of recognition to the rest of the residents. Maybe a bark, a sniff, a whoof, brushing against some, but for me it was ignoring my presence all together. So much so for trying to be friendly with a dog, I thought.
No, here the case of the DOG is not completed. It went ahead another step. Ignoring me, it continued. But for heaven’s sake, it even ignored anybody who was with me. No barks, sniffs or brushes for anyone who crossed the corridor along with me. It didn’t even rise to the occasion when someone wanted to play with it or cuddle and fondle it. This caught my curiosity and I wondered if it would be passive to my presence even when I irritate it deliberately.

How bad! How degrading? To be ignored and ignored completely by a DOG, a DOG and that too a Labrador, no less. I tried to tell myself never mind, it’s a dog ignoring you. Then again ignored by a DOG. Arrgh.......!
So much so for being a dog fearing individual who for once tried to overcome the fear and be friendly with a dog. The DOG.